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A member registered Dec 05, 2020

Recent community posts

i like bgm.

5 star for Rick Astley.

i like the arts.

its hard.

i like the idea become treasure chest.

i don't really get it when you say get treasure until i read comment on game page.

use "Q" button

it's nice game. it's unexpected button can spawn the box.

Wow, i like when robots have to help each other to complete level. i just love the 'button puzzle'.

thanks! about the movement animation, i just don't know to make a good animation with following restrictions.

I want to play space impact.

It's good.

I just get one level clear. I think speed of ghost spawn is too fast (or maybe its just me). Good job!

aside restrictions, its a good game. sometimes you cannot jump you have to hide to fix this.

It's good. But i'm not good at puzzle. i like animation, story and sound.


It's good. I like warning sound before change scene.